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ConnexFM Code of Ethics Policy

Revised September 6, 2017

Connex values professionalism, integrity and ethical business practices so much so that it has an Ethics Policy that urges the membership to follow in its business relationships. For those members who do not abide by the Ethics Policy, there is a grievance process that members may undertake to resolve questionable matters.


The purpose of this Policy is to establish guidelines for ethical conduct among Connex members, and to provide a process for responding to allegations of conduct that violates those guidelines.

I. Code of Ethics

  1. Connex members shall treat each other, and all persons with whom they interact in the courseand scope of Connex activities, with courtesy, integrity and respect.

  2. Connex members will hold their membership as a privilege and a responsibility, and agree that the Bylaws, Policies and related rules of the Association, including this Ethics Policy and the Connex Events Code of Conduct, as modified and amended from time to time by its Board of Directors, shall govern their conduct at all times.

  3. Connex members may not seek favors or unfair advantage for themselves, their employers or others by dishonest, unethical or questionable conduct.

  4. Connex members shall maintain the confidentiality of any information they obtain in the conduct of Connex activities, including without limitation information that a reasonable person would recognize as confidential concerning competitors, other members and their respective employers.

  5. Connex members will refrain from personal conduct that damages the reputation of theAssociation, including without limitation behavior in conjunction with Connex activities, in public or private, that offend prevailing moral standards.

  6. Connex members will immediately disclose any conflict of interest, or potential conflict of interest, whether financial or otherwise, with the interests of the Association, and agree to abide by the determination of the Connex Board as to the disposition of the conflict.

  7. Connex members shall not use the Association membership directory as a mailing list for commercial purposes, nor permit its use by a nonmember for any purpose.

  8. Connex members shall disclose in confidence to the Association CEO, any personal, professional or legal matters that might reasonably cause embarrassment if subsequently associated with their Connex membership, including without limitation any conviction of a felony or crime of moral turpitude, termination of employment for cause, and involuntary dismissal from a position of leadership in another nonprofit organization.

II. Remedial Process

  1. Connex membership is a privilege, not a right, and may be qualified, suspended or terminated for cause duly determined under this Policy.

  2. The standing Connex Ethics Committee, appointed by the Connex Board and comprised of Connex members in good standing and chaired by 2 (two) members appointed by the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for implementing this Remedial Process, except as to matters on appeal as described herein.

  3. The Ethics Committee shall maintain a Complaint Form, available for submission in paper form and through a discreet and confidential link on the Association website, by which a report of conduct allegedly violating this Policy may be sent to the Committee or its designated representative. The complaint should contain the name of the person submitting the complaint, the name of the accused person, a description of the alleged conduct including date(s), time(s) and place(s), the names and contact information for any witnesses, and any corroborating information, materials or other evidence supporting the complaint. If an accuser seeks to remain anonymous, he or she may contact the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee, whose contact information will be available on the Association website, in confidence to discuss the accusation, and the Chairperson, in consultation with Connex legal counsel, will then determine how to proceed under this Remedial Process.

  4. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Ethics Committee shall:

    1. Review the accusation and the evidence submitted, and determine whether, if true, the reported conduct violates this Policy.

    2. If so, the Ethics Committee will within ten (10) days of its determination send written notice to the accused person including a summary of the accusation, a description of any subsequent investigation the Ethics Committee intends to pursue, and a request for a response to the accusation within thirty (30) days of the notice, including any relevant evidence, in writing or by personal appearance before the Ethics Committee or both.

  5. The Ethics Committee may investigate a complaint by interviewing the accuser, the accused, witnesses and other persons with knowledge of the alleged conduct, and by obtaining relevant documents, records and related evidence.

  6. The Ethics Committee shall maintain a record of its investigation including its notes, copies of documents and all evidence obtained, which record shall be confidential and may not be disclosed to any non-member of the Committee except as to matters on appeal as described herein, and as may be required under lawful order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

  7. Upon the termination of this Remedial Process, the Ethics Committee may, at its sole discretion, destroy its record of the complaint, preserve its record for a specified time period, or permanently preserve its record.

  8. Upon the completion of its review of a complaint and its further investigation, if any, and following the response of the accused person or the expiration of the time within which the accused person may respond, the Ethics Committee shall:

    1. ​Decide whether the reported conduct violated this Policy, and if so, what remediation is appropriate under the totality of the circumstances.

    2. Without limitation, and providing the Ethics Committee broad latitude to determine appropriate remediation, it may, separately or in combination:

      1. Sanction the accused person privately, with or without a period of probation;

      2. Sanction the accused person publicly through posting of its determination on the Connex website, with or without a period of probation;

      3. Require the accused person to take remedial action directly with persons or parties impacted by the conduct in violation of this Policy;

      4. Suspend Connex membership of the accused person for a specified time period, with or without a subsequent period of probation at risk of termination;

      5. Terminate Connex membership of the accused person, with or without permanent expulsion.

  9. The Ethics Committee shall within ten (10) days of its determination under H. herein, send written notice to the accused person confirming its determination and remediation, via certified mail, overnight express or verified electronic communication.

  10. The accused person may appeal the determination and remediation by submitting written notice to the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee within thirty (30) days of receiving the notice of determination and remediation, after which the determination and remediation are final and may not be appealed.

  11. Upon receipt of notice of appeal, the Chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall within ten (10) days, forward such notice to the Chair of the Connex Board of Directors, who shall promptly appoint a three-person Appeal Panel comprised of persons having served on the Board of Directors (but are not then serving on the Connex Board) or the Ethics Committee (but are not then serving on the Ethics Committee).

  12. The Appeal Panel shall, in consultation with Connex legal counsel, convene as it sees fit, review the complete Ethics Committee record of the complaint, confer with the Ethics Committee at its sole discretion, and give notice to the accused person of the opportunity for a hearing wherein the accused person may offer testimony and other evidence, with or without counsel, at a date not more than sixty (60) days from the notice date.

  13. Following its review of the record, input from the Ethics Committee, and a hearing, if any, with the accused person, the Appeal Panel shall within thirty (30) days render its opinion in writing, whether the Ethics Committee determination and remediation shall stand, or whether the determination and remediation should be modified.

  14. If the Appeal Panel decides the determination and remediation should be modified, its opinion shall include substitute language to that end, with or without explanation.

  15. The Appeal Panel opinion may not, in any event, impose remediation more severe than that of the Ethics Committee.

  16. The opinion of the Appeal Panel is final and conclusive.

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