A New Approach for Demo Labs & Hands-On Education
at the ConnexFM National Conference

This year, we are excited to reimagine our DEMO Labs by introducing our Showcase Studio, a series of educational experiences aimed at bringing industry strategies and systems to life!
These sessions will include live demonstrations covering everything from technical training and insights to innovative products and services specifically designed to tackle industry challenges. Participants will have the chance to interact with experts who will offer hands-on training, in-depth explanations, and best practices for effectively implementing these solutions.
Eligibility to Present
Showcase Studio opportunities are limited to ConnexFM members only that fall into one of these member types:
Exhibiting Supplier Members
Exhibiting Professional Services Members
What's Included
Each selected company will participate in one of six live demonstration in the Showcase Studio area of the ConnexFM National Conference. This will include:
A 10x20 designated area for demo systems or equipment, separate from exhibit space
Space includes electrical outlets and AV equipment
One additional exhibitor delegate badge for exhibiting companies
60-minute time slot for an educational showcase aligned with one of the designated topic areas
Opportunity to showcase systems, products, or solutions through a live educational demonstration
*Please Note: All companies whose live demonstration is accepted by the Thought Leadership Committee will be responsible for the delivery and pick-up of their equipment during the event dates.
$1,500 for each Exhibiting Supplier/Prof Services Member Company
Topic Areas
Emerging Technologies
Selection Process
All submissions are reviewed and selected by ConnexFM’s Thought Leadership Committee. A maximum of 6 Showcase Studios will be selected for the ConnexFM2025 National Conference.